Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easy start? What is that?

It was back in 2005 when I got my first real sight of mountain biking. I was hiking in north Tyrol with my mum and saw bikers whizzing by all the time. And me being totally reckless and little crazy for speed, looked those bikers with green envy. At that time I decided that someday it'll be me whizzing by others.

The same year I started studying as exchange student at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. I never stopped thinking about mountain biking, but I mostly concentrated on enjoying the Alps by skiing. During the second semester I took part in a course called Consumer Behavior. The idea was to do a case study that was somehow related to the topic. I belonged to this group of three which decided to build the study on a launch process of a small company making Swiss mountain biking movies. Seeing clips of the movie made me realize how awesome the sport can really be.

Years went by and as a poor student, I didn't have much of a chance to buy a good bike. In the summer of 2008 I graduated and started working. Then the recession hit and companies started to kick out employees. I didn't got kicked out since I had only a temporary contract of employment in that company, but I couldn't continue in that position either. So the next step was to find another job. It took few months, and the summer flew by, until in Autumn 2009 I got a cool job in a small social media company. I met a guy there who told me he was into the sport and knew someone dealing neat mountain bikes. Maybe destiny had it's fingers on it, who knows, but finally in January 2010 I bought myself an Orange Five Diva.

I needed to wait over a month for the bike to arrive and with a delay as well, since the damned Finnish dockers were striking... Eventually when I got the bike, there was still snow all over and I didn't have studded tyres. Anyways, that didn't stop me. 'Cos I don't have much instinct of self preservation, I jumped on the bike, hit the road and it didn't take too long as I also hit the snowy trails.

Now the snow has almost melted all over and the trails are revealed again. Today I decided to go for really muddy and rough trails, just to try out how it is. Well, of course I managed to pick ascending swampy tracks with high level of difficulty, at least for a beginner... but I didn't give up, did it even twice with the most difficult parts and enjoyed rolling down with speed and adrenaline.

It's exciting, accelerating, fun and I just love it! Can't wait to hit the trails again ;)

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