Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sadetta ja liukkaita alamäkipolkuja - Rain and slippery DH trails

Lähdin tuossa viiden maissa etsimään uusia polkuja lähimaastosta. Lähtiessä ei vielä satanut, mutta aika pian alkoi tihkuttaa. Siitä se sade vaan yltyi, mutta puolitoista tuntia jaksoin ajaa uitettuna. Löysin perushelppoja polkuja Etelä-Leppävaarasta, josta suuntasin edelleen Laajalahden suuntaan. Tie oli poikki siitä kohtaa mistä olin ajatellut mennä, joten käännyin arpomalla oikealle ja päädyin sellaiselle freerideharjoitusradalle että oksat pois - ja vielä sateella, kun kalliot oli superliukkaita ja alamäet mutaisia! Löysin itseni lopulta Lupauksenvuorelta, jossa kruisailin parit kierrokset ja sitten palasin samaa reittiä takaisin, kun sade yltyi ja tuntui siltä kuin olisi hypännyt uimaan vaatteet päällä. Mutta tuonne radalle uudestaan, kun tulee aurinkoisia syysilmoja ;)

Around five o'clock I went to look for new trails nearby. When I left it didn't rain yet, but quite soon it started to drizzle. From that on rain just intensified, but I managed to ride soaked one and a half hour. I found easy basic trails in Etelä-Leppävaara, from where I headed toward Laajalahti. The road had been temporarily closed where I had planned to go through so I turned right randomly and ended up in the kind of freeride training track that is totally not for beginners - and in rain when the rocks were super slippery and downhills muddy! Eventually I found myself at Lupauksenvuori where I cruised few runs and then I returned the same route back as the rain just kept on intensifying and it felt like I had jumped swimming with my clothes on. But gotta try that track again when there will be sunny Fall weather again ;)

Friday, July 30, 2010

Lisää ajoreittien etsimistä Espoon keskuspuistossa - More trail tracking at Espoo central park

Tänään kävin ajamassa yhden kaverin kanssa Espoon keskuspuistossa ja etsimässä hyviä ajoreittejä. Olihan se aikamoista harhailua ilman gps:iä, mutta eipä tuo nyt haitannut, kun metsät ympärillä oli täynnä kivoja ja haasteellisia polkuja. Löytyi sieltä jopa yksi iso freeridemonttukin. Tuolla on hyvä käydä harjoittelemassa useamminkin. Huomenna uudestaan kallioajotekniikkatreenaamisen merkeissä :)

Today I went riding mtb with a friend to Espoo central park, and looking for good trails. Well it was quite some straying without gps but that didn't matter much since the woods surrounding us were full of nice and challenging trails. We even found one big freeride pit there. It's a good place to go training more often. Tomorrow there again to train riding technique on rocks :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kallioita ja juurakoita - Rocks and roots

Tänään kävin ensimmäistä kertaa Espoon keskuspuistossa Five Divalla. Poikkesin Lupauksenvuoren kautta, missä vedin ensin joitakin kierroksia. Keskuspuistossa kokeilin polkuja sattumanvaraisesti ja tässä muutamia kuvia mitä sieltä löytyi: 

Today I visited Espoo central park first time with Five Diva. I swerved through Lupauksenvuori, where I took few rounds first. In the central park I tried trails randomly and here're some photos what I found there: 


Maasto oli tosi juurakkoista ja kallioista. Etenemistä ei yhtään helpottanut se, että joka puolella oli kaatuneita puita, risuja, heinikoita ja useat polut olivat lähes umpeen kasvaneita. Hyvää harjoitusmaastoa, voin luvata että tulee lämmin ;)

Terrain was full of roots and rocks. All over were fallen trees, brushwood, tall grass, and many trails were almost grown closed, which didn't make riding any easier. Good terrain for training, I can promise you'll get warm ;)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hellettä, vauhtia ja skraiduja - Heat, speed and scratches

Vaikka hellelukemat liikkuvat noin 30 asteessa, maastokilometrejä on tällä viikolla ehtinyt kertyä jo kolmisenkymmentä. En ole mikään helleihminen, joten tuo 30 km tuntuu pieneltä ihmeeltä vasta kahden päivän ajalta. Maanantaina kolusin yhden kaverin kanssa Lintuvaaran ja Pohjois-Leppävaaran metsikköjä ja tiistaina taiteilin itsekseni Laajalahden luonnonpuiston kallioilla ja Lupauksenvuorella. Vauhtia on tullut mukavasti lisää ja kalliotekniikkakin on jonkin verran parantunut vaikka askelmat ylöspäin tuntuvat mahdottomilta ja epätoivo vetää suupielet alaspäin, kun kehitys on siinä suhteessa vähän hidasta. Ainakin olen oppinut keulimaan pikkasen, vaikka sekin osa-alue vaatii vielä paljon harjoittelua. Toinen osa-alue on kärsivällisyys - tämän tytön kun pitäisi oppia kaikki nyt, tässä ja heti ;) Vauhdin lisääntyessä myös naarmujen määrä on lisääntynyt. Valitettavasti kuuma sää on pakottanut vähentämään vaatetusta, joten käsien ja jalkojen naarmuja & arpia on mahdoton saada tällä hetkellä piiloon topeilla ja capreilla. Taidan olla aikamoinen ilmestys vitivalkoisena hohtavan ihoni ja sitä koristavien pitkien punaisten viivojen kanssa ;D

Even though the temperature is approximately 30 degrees Celcius, I've ridden already about thirty kilometers in terrain this week. I'm not the kind of person that is very fond of heat so 30 km feels like a little miracle after only two days. On Monday I scoured the woods in Lintumetsä and North Leppävaara, and on Tuesday I trained on my own on the rocks of Laajalahti natural park and at Lupauksenvuori. I've got nicely more speed and my technique on the cliffs has also improved a bit even though the steps feel impossible upward and despair pulls my mouth downward since my development in that is little slow. At least I've learned a little how to do wheelie even though that part too needs still lots of training. Another thing to improve is patience - this girl should namely learn everything now, here and immediately ;) As the speed as increased also the amount of scratches has increased. Unfortunately, the hot weather has forced me to lessen the amount of clothes I normally wear, so at the moment it's impossible to hide scratches & scars in arms and legs with tops and capris. I must be quite a sight with my snow white skin and the long red lines decorating it ;D

Tässä pari kuvaa Laajalahden luonnonpuistosta
Here're couple of pics from Laajalahti natural park


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Vappuajelua - 1st of May riding

Eilinen vappupäivä alkoi mukavasti klubin ajolla Lintumetsässä. Alku töksähti aika taidokkaasti vetisessä, kivikkoisessa ja kantoisessa maaperässä, mutta onneksi joukko päätettiin jakaa kahtia, että pitempään ajaneet voisivat ajella lujempaa ja me vasta-alkajat ottaa astetta verkkaisemmin. Tosin tältä tytöltä ei vauhtia puutu, mutta sekin luonnollisesti kostautui siinä vaiheessa kun piti keulia ojan yli metsästä tielle eikä keula vain noussut, joten etupyörä töksähti ojaan ja minä lensin taidokkaasti tangon yli. No ainakin pääsin lennokkaasti ojan toiselle puolelle ;D Toiseen aloittelijaan verrattuna painelin menemään huomattavasti vauhdikkaammin ja pysyin helposti vetäjän perässä, vaikka ei meidän vauhti nyt mitenkään päätä huimaavaa ollutkaan. Vetäjän perässä ajamisessa oli se etu, että näki koko ajan, minkälaisia ajolinjoja hän valitsi ja minkälaista ajotekniikkaa hän käytti.

Ajon jälkeen suuntasin suoraan kotiin, pesin Divan, vaihdoin maantiepyörään ja lähdin ajelemaan kohti keskustaa. Pyörän kanssa vappuhälinään meneminen ei ollut ehkä optimaalisin vaihtoehto, mutta ainakin sain nauttia ulkoilmasta ja ihanasta ilta-auringosta.

Tänään tein siskon kanssa leppoisan 24 km lenkin rullaluistimilla. Sisko meni tosin pyörällä, ja välillä jaloissa alkoikin hapottaa, kun yritti pysyä pyörän vauhdissa ja vieläpä vastatuuleen, mutta kivaahan se oli niin kuin hyvällä säällä useimmiten on :) Viikon saldoksi rullistelun lisäksi kertyi yhteensä 91,5 pyöräilykilometriä. Seuraavalla viikolla laitetaan ehdottomasti paremmaksi ;)

Yesterday, the 1st of May, started nicely with club's ride in Lintumetsä. Only the beginning was quite sticky on the watery and stony trail with rhizomes, but luckily the group was divided in two so that the more skilled ones could ride faster and us beginners could take it little slower. This girl, however, isn't lacking speed, which naturally backfired when I needed to front over a ditch coming from the forest back to road and the front just didn't get up so the front tire hit the ditch and I flew skillfully over the handlebar. Well at least I got vividly to the other side ;D Compared to the other beginner I rode notably faster and kept up easily with the pacesetter, even though our speed never was dizzying. Riding after the pacesetter had the advantage that I could see all the time what kind of riding lines he chose and what kind of riding techniques he used.

After the ride I headed straight home, washed Diva, changed to racing bike and rode to downtown. It wasn't maybe the most optimal choice to go into the crowds of 1st of May celebration, but at least I could enjoy the outdoors and the lovely evening sun.

Today I had an easy rollerblade round of 24 km with my sister. She went by bike, so sometimes my legs started to feel heavy as I tried to keep up with her bike and even with headwind, but it was fun nevertheless as it mostly is with nice weather :) In addition to my rollerblade round the result of biking this week was altogether 91,5 km. Following week I'll make the result absolutely better ;)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Summer challenge: by bike to work

Few weeks ago me and two co-workers were talking at the office that we could all come by bike to work the whole summer. Only one of us had already a racing bike so me and the other guy without a proper bike decided to buy ones. Today I went to pick mine. I rode it home and oh how sweetly and fast it rolled forward, almost like the wind. So tomorrow begins my summer challenge 'by bike to work'. I guess I gotta rip off the reflectors first, namely I got a little bit feedback from a friend about them ;D Here's a picture of my Paddy Wagon:

Yesterday I did an expedition on my own to the woods nearby. I knew they'd be swampy but not that swampy... yeah, the ground was totally watery and there was even snow left in some places. Well, I was looking for semi-difficult trails, but trying to survive from the rhizome and stones in the middle of the mud, water and snow, was maybe a little bit too ambitious for me after all. I was cursing more than ever, hiking the bike through muddy puddles, fighting to advance in the swampy ground and over the dense rhizome... My shoe got stuck in the watery mud, I dropped the chain, and even managed to jam the front derailleur. It felt hopeless, but I understood that all I need is practice and that was the best practice I could get. Just gotta do it again and again so that I can get faster and faster :) I didn't give that trail a second shot but I headed to another place by the sea. The trails were dry and didn't have much rhizome or stones so they were also much easier and faster to ride than the tracks in the swampy forest. Of course it was more fun for me - no doubt, the easy ones are nicer and comfortable to ride - but I know if I wanna be good (or even one of the best! ;) the harder trails are the ones to go for. So I guess now I know at least one place around here where I'm gonna spend time and practice hard this summer :D

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Found some nice trails in Kallahti's natural park

Today I was driving in a dry peaty forest with a friend. The trails were really fantastic with lots of variation such as height differences, curves, jumps, fast and slow tracks, easy and difficult parts, etc. not to mention that the nature in the natural park is beautiful. And of course riding by the sea is also a very cool thing :) I haven't been riding much yet but still I can notice quite fast improvements in my skills! Maybe I should start competing soon ;)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sunny days - ain't that cool for biking!

Lately we've had a lot of sunny days in South Finland. That, of course, means nice biking weather. Unfortunately I just don't know many woods to jump in and good trails to try out since I just moved in here. It's been a while since I was hanging around here and many changes have happened in the scenery, so it takes a while, I guess, to become familiar with the neighbourhood again. Yesterday I went just for an easy ride with a friend of mine. She doesn't have a mtb so basically we just rode along sand roads. Once in a while, when I picked a trail, I couldn't help trying it out. But all in all, it was fun to just drive around and have a good company :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easy start? What is that?

It was back in 2005 when I got my first real sight of mountain biking. I was hiking in north Tyrol with my mum and saw bikers whizzing by all the time. And me being totally reckless and little crazy for speed, looked those bikers with green envy. At that time I decided that someday it'll be me whizzing by others.

The same year I started studying as exchange student at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. I never stopped thinking about mountain biking, but I mostly concentrated on enjoying the Alps by skiing. During the second semester I took part in a course called Consumer Behavior. The idea was to do a case study that was somehow related to the topic. I belonged to this group of three which decided to build the study on a launch process of a small company making Swiss mountain biking movies. Seeing clips of the movie made me realize how awesome the sport can really be.

Years went by and as a poor student, I didn't have much of a chance to buy a good bike. In the summer of 2008 I graduated and started working. Then the recession hit and companies started to kick out employees. I didn't got kicked out since I had only a temporary contract of employment in that company, but I couldn't continue in that position either. So the next step was to find another job. It took few months, and the summer flew by, until in Autumn 2009 I got a cool job in a small social media company. I met a guy there who told me he was into the sport and knew someone dealing neat mountain bikes. Maybe destiny had it's fingers on it, who knows, but finally in January 2010 I bought myself an Orange Five Diva.

I needed to wait over a month for the bike to arrive and with a delay as well, since the damned Finnish dockers were striking... Eventually when I got the bike, there was still snow all over and I didn't have studded tyres. Anyways, that didn't stop me. 'Cos I don't have much instinct of self preservation, I jumped on the bike, hit the road and it didn't take too long as I also hit the snowy trails.

Now the snow has almost melted all over and the trails are revealed again. Today I decided to go for really muddy and rough trails, just to try out how it is. Well, of course I managed to pick ascending swampy tracks with high level of difficulty, at least for a beginner... but I didn't give up, did it even twice with the most difficult parts and enjoyed rolling down with speed and adrenaline.

It's exciting, accelerating, fun and I just love it! Can't wait to hit the trails again ;)